Alukahn the Dragonborn Mercenary tries his luck in the Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth, but a great wild minotaur lurking there brings him to a quick end as he probes the caves in search of treasure. As Worg Oswe the Half Ogre has been named Lord of Solandir, the Citadel declares Baerth Talg the Bugbear it's new champion and sends him to the ruins of Serpentus Rift, the oldest city of the ancient Dragon Empire.
Baerth fights his way through hordes of undead dragonborn guarding an ancient temple and unearths an old Figurine of Wonderous power. He brings it back to the throneholds and summons a great Tyrannosaur with it's power at court to the surprise and wonder of all seated before him. He is showered with wealth and riches and a great feast is held in his honor, along with several games where slaves from Rethmil are cast into a pit to be consumed by the great beast.
The Citadel also lays plans against the High Druid beyond Druid's Reach on his isle. Lord Worg Oswe, the half ogre, leaves his court in Solandir to assault the island by sea. He brings two forces of footsoliders and a storm elemental. The High Druid and his forest folk manage to pin down and shatter one of the half ogres legions of pikeman, but Worg Oswe finds the High Druid and slays him in his sacred circle before burning the sacred grove to the ground, blackening the ancient stones.
On the central Island, Kein the Bloodmagus, the Teifling power broker in Numoth, leads his neighbors from Rellis Vullin to conquer Zaarnath. The league city, already weakened by aid pledged to the north, could not hold out against the attack from the two southern city states, and their garrison of knights sworn to the Order of Light fell to Kein's dark sorcery.
Many Zaarnath men flee in fishing and trading craft from the Northern shore to the other League cities to the North and further West, decrying the Iron Citadel's treachery.
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