From the Iron Wolf Hold, the king plans a powerful offensive against the Karkothi lords to the east. He sends his best mage, called The Lunarmancer along with two northmen heroes, Roq and Toj Firebeard to rally forces in the White Raven chieftain. They join up with the copper and silver dragon and unit of shifters driving a pack of dire bears to mount an offensive against the Maze of Murkull, land of the minotaur chiefs.
The Maze of Murkull is a treacherous series of valleys, canyons, and tunnels. Some are natural while others are carved from the rocky cliffs by picks and magic. The Maze's master, a wicked mage called the Nightmaster lets the army press deep into his territory before his army of minotaurs, ogres, and shadar-kai attacks. The White Raven clansmen charge valiantly forward alongside their dragon allies, taking the brunt of the ambush. As the dragons and men pin the armies of Murkull down, the Lunarmancer weaves a powerful mist spell that blinds and chokes their army. The dire bears then wade into battle, decimating their lines. Roq and Toj the northmen fight through the ranks of brutish guardians to slay the Nightmaster as he is chanting to reverse the Lunamaster's incantation. Once their leader falls, the remaining Ogres and Minotaurs flee into the labyrinth.
Further north, Ella the Enchantress, a powerful adventurer journeys to Skalgard to join Prince Stalkingwolf. They lead their army east to exact their revenge on the Cloven Skull Orc Hold. The orcs rush out to greet them on the field of battle before they reach the hold's gates. Leading the charge into battle is the dread wraith Kraxus. Prince Stalkingwolf and Kraxus square off, but the wraith envelopes him and drains his life essence. In his weakened state he still manages to defeat Kraxus, but the elite unit of frost giants charging over the plains surround and crush the prince and his retinue. Ella the Enchantress squares off against the orc hold's foul necromancer. Fighting and dodging her way through a skeletal legions arrows, she slays the deathpriest with a silver dagger through the heart. Ella rallies her army and routes the few orcs and giants remaining.
In the far northern icebound wastes. News of the giant's defeat encourages a slave revolt. It first starts with a champion, a half elf named Yvonne the Punisher, who kills the frost giant guards and sends the newly freed people west to join up with the League's units on the Plain of Ebon Spires. As the miners labor to build a fortification and defenses in the plain, Yvonne takes a small force on a raid further south, across Blisterforge and into Slaughterguard. Along her path she frees slaves and takes her growing army of rabble toward the Thoneholds, to unseat their former masters.
Back in the Iron Wolf Hold, the King buries the Prince at sea, setting his burning funeral vessel north into the icy waters. Songs of his great battle with the dread wraith tell of his valiant end, though his closest friends hold their tongues. For they all dream that he has not ended, but has risen again as a wraith himself, haunting the bloody field of battle, draining the souls of the lost in the night.
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