The Corsair King, long a rival of Admiral Nornerios Swordhand, now offers his allegiance to Zembar and rallies Vailin's fleet in the Sea of Mist. Meanwhile, the Admiral leads his army of griffins and archers into Amil Forest where they stalk those undead who remained after the Dread Lich's conquest.
South in the Satrophy of Numoth, Zembar sends a rare Platinum Dragon, rumored to be an Aspect of Bahamut himself over to crush the skeletal legions that have driven the people from their cities. The dragon devastates the countryside rooting out the foul creatures, but in the end it succumbs itself to the plague that the tainted things carry with them wherever they go. Once again the Satrophy is left in chaos in ruins.
Ser Ellert Rainwood rides out to join Magus Greycloak in the Barony of Brandil and learn more of the fate of the late lord Alrick Silvanus, cousin to the Crown Prince of Vailin. Ellert leaves Queen Silvanus in charge of the court back in Vailindor and she works to strenghten their defenses as the Karkothi menace closing in around them.
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