The tactics of Xanlomin's gnome rangers puts the Iron Citadel on the defensive, forcing them to double back and retake lands they had moved through quickly on their assault against the Duchy of Solandir. Still the opressive weight of the wealthy city-states' alliance proved too much for the rebel armies of Vailin.
Tithnian soldiers returned from the duchy, their pockets full of coin and plundered riches, and they crushed the Emerald Blade's forces with their siege engines. Great Iron Golems moved south from Tithnia through the Thorndeep, carving a road through the wilderness, allowing safe passage for the Iron Citadel's legions of footsoldiers.
In Rana Moor, a dragonborn mercenary named Alukahn leads a power force from the Citadel of Iron's Grasp to defeat the Druid Isle's storm elemental that was plaguing the region. Worg Oswe, Half-Ogre takes a bride, Alrackis the Bloodhanded. They celebrate their new lands as the new Duke and Duchess of Solandir with public executions and trials by combat for the defeated nobles that fill their dungeon.
Worg Oswe's great red dragon moves to join a unit of infantry from the northern coast, where they had been occupying the Sand Sea tribes lands. New garrisons move in as they join an elemental force to destroy Xanlomin Goblinsfoe's mountaineers in the Black Stone Desert. Xanlomin's carefully laid trap defeats the infantry easily, leaving the Black Stone canyons littered with arrow filled corpses of hobgoblin soldiers.
The gnome's best laid plan is twarted when his carrion crawler is tied down by a storm elemental and his rangers must do battle with the great red dragon high atop the cliffs. The monster and elemental destroy each other and his rangers are picked off one by one against the dragon. Finally Xanlomin himself leaps onto the dragon and stabs it furiously, but he is crushed beneath the monster as it rolls into a cliffside. The dragon survives, but Xanlomin is no more.
Meanwhile, a Tiefling Warlock named Irielyassa disembarks from the Iron Circle's navy in the Emerald Blade Barony. She summons a great pack of Succubi and takes control of the Baron and his court with their wiles.
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