Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Iron Circle is Victorious
The other powers surrender and pay tribute to the Iron Citadel in exchange for peace after the long war.
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Therund and the Stonemarch Overrun
Nerath's defenders continue their retreat as the Iron Circles mighty
armies roll into their homelands, conquering the lightly garrisoned
Therund and Stonemarch. Baron Pernod fights bravely defending his city,
but is eventually captured and taken in chains back to the Citadel of
Iron's grasp.
After seizing their new lands, the iron circle's juggernaut golems roll into Sarthel, restoring control to a cabal of hidden diabolists. Gnolls and wargs lay seige to Vor Rukoth and prepare to invade the capitol in Mithraelfast.
After seizing their new lands, the iron circle's juggernaut golems roll into Sarthel, restoring control to a cabal of hidden diabolists. Gnolls and wargs lay seige to Vor Rukoth and prepare to invade the capitol in Mithraelfast.
Friday, May 11, 2012
March of the Treants
Vailin rallies all the surviving treants and reinforces its border with Karkoth.
Raise the Dead
Karkoth's necromancers set to work forging the bones of the dead into fearsome bone golems.
Sunday, May 6, 2012
Dragon Wars
Queen Mithraelfast rebuilds the capitol's defenses. All of the remaining dragons are sent to confront the Karkothi dragon army in the White Raven Cheiftain's lands. After a long aerial battle, the Nerathi dragons are victorious over Karkoth's.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
King Mithraelfast's Last Stand
On the central island of Numoth, Price Eagleheart and his Sea Dragon guard the mighty fortress on the shore from the Bloodmagus Kein's invading army. The Bloodmagus hires mercenaries from across the land to assault the fortress. The mercenaries take the brunt of the blows while Bloodmagus, his warlock companion, and the High Priest of Asmodeus bring down all the hells on the enemy battlements.
The walls begin to crumble, and the archers manning the towers die amidst the wreckage of their ballistas in infernal fires. The prince and his sea dragon summon a great storm on the beach which washes away the mercenaries and siege engines as they scale the walls of Castle Zembar, but an arrow catches the bow and he falls into the sea. The Bloodmagus flies out to sea to grapple with the great sea dragon and he pulls it beneath the waves and drains its soul before wading back ashore to meet the remnants of his victorious army.
In Nera, Laralove Dewshining awakes to a horn in the courtyard. The guards notice that the dragons are slow to rouse that morning, and when they do awaken that morning their eyes and mouths are bloody, and they appear weak. The culprits are soon found. Succubi have been hiding among the camp followers and have poisoned the livestock delivered to the dragons the previous day. A calculated and devastating blow to the Nerathi air defenses.
Another horn summons her to the watchtower and sees fire and smoke rising in the distance. The plains and woods along to the river running to the southern border are on fire, along with the southern ruins of the city, as goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears chase after the retreating remains of the border patrol.
King Mithraelfast and Lord Ironfist are encamped on the south side of the ruined city, and their stone giants corps stands with the wardens, blocking the goblin army's advance. They stand ready to meet the great goblin horde, which is lead by Gork the giant, and his two Ogre captains Marl and Valg.
The gobins bring up siege engines to pound the King's dwarf and orc footsoldiers from a distance before engaging. They take cover among the ruins of the city just before the dragons come in, tearing into their ranks and destroying many of the knights from the northern lands: the Therund Chargers, Vor Rukoth's Regulars, the Nera House Guards of the noble families, as well as many other northerners serving the league.
Laralove turns the city's siege weapons against the advancing goblin horde. She draws the fire of the Iron Circles seige weapons which pummel her defenses, taking out large sections of the south tower and wall, which fall down the mountainside along with many brave defenders. Goblins begin scaling the walls toward the palace, as the King and Lord Ironfist lead a phalanx of Stone Giants into the heart of the Iron Circles humanoid infantry.
Xanroar Carter guards the eastern front of the city facing the woods. His wardens watch stoically as a great mass of gnolls and worgs rush out from the forest to meet the rangers in battle.
The fighting rages all day, and as night settles in the goblins regroup to the south. Some encamp on the southern edge of the city or the mountainside. The gnolls and worgs run back to the woods, drawing the pursuit of Xanroar and several brave rangers who cut down some of the lingering forces before returning to their posts on the eastern ruins of the city.
The King and Lord Ironfist camp in the heart of the new city by the lake at the base of the mountain, guarding the inhabitants from the goblins forces and helping those too weak to fight, but still mobile find their way north on the road out of the city. He sends a group of guards composed of other broken units along with the refugees headed north.
When the battle resumes the next day the goblins continue to scale the mountainside toward the palace, firing their siege weapons. Laralove rides the great Adamantium Dragon and leads the rest of the dragon knights in attacking the mountaineers and their siege weapons. Though her magical attacks burn through their ranks and take out half of their trebuchets, a swarm of goblin crossbow bolts eventually takes down the fearless mage.
King Mithraelfast and Lord ironfist fall shortly afterward fighting the Ogres Marl and Valg. Once the king dies, the Giant Gork makes short work of his remaining loyal stone giants. Nerath's dragon knights kill off many of the goblins scaling the walls, giving some of the defenders of the Exarch's palace time to flee before the Iron Circle's own dragons catch up with them and being to tear them from the sky.
Xanroar Carter and the wardens die pressed from the skies by dragons while the gnolls and worgs overrun them and begin looting, burning, and eating their way through the inhabited parts of the city.
Laralove's Adamantium dragon and a Mithril dragon are the last remaining dragons by nightfall. They are too honorable to leave, though the Dragonne, Nickel, and Storm dragon have already fled back to their lairs in the north. Perched atop the mountain above the Exarch's ruined palace they survey the city in ruins. The goblins have overrun the Exarch's palace and begin to weed out those few guards who have chosen to remain and die fighting as the palace is overrun.
All of the goblins and iron circle infantry were destroyed in the battle (over 100,000 troops). Their corpses litter the ruins of the city and mountainside below. Another 50,000 defenders lie dead, the rest fled to the north with those few city folk fast enough to escape the Gnolls and Worgs who patrol the northern road. From the mountaintop a great column of remnants snake off into the horizon, making a hasty retreat.
The dragons rot from within slowly from the diabolical poison without cure. They leave the field of battle carrying a party of brave adventurers north to Mithraelfast, where they are given an important quest by the Queen to find an artifact of great power.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
Vailin Restored
The Treants reclaim the southern lands as the Ser Ellert Rainwood and Magus Greycloak root out the last vestiges of the Bone Golems hiding in Cernal's vales. Prince Eagleheart arrives in Zaarnath carrying word that he explored the dungeons of his old castle, now controlled by the Blood Magus Kein's forces. His father is gone, but he is ready to fight bravely beside the men of Zembar to liberate the island of Numoth from the Iron Circle's armies. He brings with him a great Sea Dragon that he bested on the open seas, and is now honor bound to serve him.
From the Thoneholds, the Karkothi High Lord calls upon the army of Tarsembor to guard the lands as he marches east to reclaim the Fen of Surth from the small garrison of paladins that remain to protect the people. He destroys all who oppose him before his magical might.
The dragon army of Karkoth flies west to devastate the peaceful coastal settlements of the White Raven Chieftain. Until now, this remained one of the few places yet untouched by the war in the east. Now the locals and refugees from neighboring lands alike felt the scourge of the Karkothi lords vengeance.
In the capitol city, Marhud, the necromancers guild raises the bones of the defeated Nerathi dragon knights into a formidable army of dracoliches. Ghastly phantasmic roars are herd throughout the lands.
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Karkoth Defends Throneholds, Loses Winterskull
The Nerathi assault on the Throneholds lasted three weeks. The first week Dolranth the Templar of Light lead the charge against the undead infantry that ringed the central cities of the Karkothi Empire. Dolranth falls taking down four legions of undead but the tide is turned and the first thronehold falls to the good magic users and dragons who dispatch the wraith that killed Dolranth. The Thronehold's lord flees west.
The second week Nerath pressed westward to the next Thronehold city, conquering the wraith leading their defenses. This Thronehold's lord kills the Crow Shaman in battle but is taken down by the Priest of Light, Ella the Enchantress, and the Lunarmancer. Their victory is short lived as three Karkothi dragons tear into the magic users, killing them and their acolytes, apprentices, and attendants, along with a dragon knight. The dragons then retreat back to Marhud, the capitol city.
In the third week, the remaining Nerathi Dragon Knights move onward to the Marhud, the central capitol, where the bravest of the remaining Karkothi lords ride out on dragons to meet them above the city walls. In an impressive display of magical and aerial combat the Karkothi High Lord remains victorious with his dragon army. The corpses of the metallic dragons are flayed and sent to the dark artificers to be turned into undead monstrosities and war machines.
Nerath fares better in the Winterskull islands, where a Chromium and Cobalt dragon storm the castle burning out the vestiges of Karkoth's reign. King Mithraelfast himself marches his forces south to Therund, where he joins his old friend Lord Ironfist on the road and continues on to Nera. Great preparations are made to receive the ruler of the Nerathi League and demonstrate the great lengths the forces in Nera have gone to in securing the defense of the border with the Iron Circle.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Conquest of the Central Island
The Iron Circle reinforces its borderlands and pushes to control the central island, seizing the Satrophy of Numoth from the remnants of Karkoth's undead garrison, and crushing the Zembar marines posted in the Dread Marches. Only the seaside fortress of Zembar remains a lost stonghold as the Bloodmagus Kein's forces close slowly move into position.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Bone Golems Defeated, the South is Reclaimed!
The bone golems who had cut a swath of terror though the southern lands and its defenders, finally meet their end when confronted by a Volcanic dragon, who calls upon an ancient pact with the Treants near white plume mountain. Ser Ellert Rainwood and Magus Graycloak liberate the Great Wildwood.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Fall of Five Rivers
The Karkothi Throneholds brace for the inevitable storm of Nerath's fury. To the south the bone golems make short work of the Five Rivers ranger corps and begin to depopulate their once-thriving southern lands. On Winterskull island, the northern raiders who worship the gods of war and death build a mighty fortress called Skull Mountain.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Fen of Surth Falls

The combined power of Nerath's might rolls from Blisterforge through Slaughtergarde and into the Fen of Surth. The deep dragon ruling the territory flees into the underdark with his minions rather than facing the great host that descends from the sky. Wizards riding on metallic dragons haunt the dark skies above the thronehold's blasted lands, closing in on the capitol cities.
Monday, January 9, 2012
Admiral Norneiros Swordhand captured by Bloodmagus Kein

The Corsair King worked to bring the disparate navies of Vailin under one banner, but his efforts to organize them seemed doomed from the start. Still they proved themselves all valorous when their moment came and the larges battle at sea in 1000 years happened off the shores of Zembar in the Sea of Mist.
The Iron Circle's navy set off from the occupied Duchy of Solandir and the Solannin Sea, heading north for the central isle, intent on crushing their only rival for the worlds largest navy. Four fleets of ships and four great storm elementals lead by a High Priest of Asmodeus and Irelyassa the Warlock locked horns with the mighty fleet of Vailin. The Corsair King himself had six fleets of ships under various flags and two great storm elementals.
By mid day, half of the Iron Circle's fleet had been sunk, but two thirds of Vailin's was on fire or broken by the fury of the Citadel's sorcery. In the afternoon, with the sun high in the sky, the Corsair King and a brave band of Zembar marines boarded the flagship flying the red and black of the Iron Circle. Fire and lightning cut through their ranks and they died fighting bravely, but in the end the Citadel's devils carried the day with two of their elementals and enough surviving ships to reform one ragtag fleet.
As Admiral Norneiros Swordhand tore down his camp north in the Amil Forest, he could feel the loss of his men to the south, though he did not yet know of their fate. His heart felt weary as he prepared to battle the assembled might of Bloodmagus Kein, the conquerer of Zaarnath from the Satropy of Numoth. His attendant rushed to tell him that the griffons they brought with them from the mainland had fallen ill and were dying. At first they suspected it was some foul Karkothi plague, but their healers divined the truth was that someone had infiltrated their ranks and poisoned the horseflesh they fed the griffons.
Grimly, the Admiral led his remaining army of footsoldiers and cavalrymen through the woods without their griffon mounts. They met the goblin soliders on even terms and crushed the first wave of Kein's forces easily, though their own men fell beneath the waves of flame that flooded the brush from the Bloodmagus' fire-belching death machines. The survivors fled in disarray, many burning while the forest itself burned all around. Nornerios fought his way to the evil Bloodmagus, but before he could land a blow he felt his heart pounding as his blood boiled in his veins. When he awoke he was a prisoner in Kein's encamped forces. His men had been nailed to the burnt trees all around, creating a grisly monument to the Iron Circle's victory.
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